50 home remedies for treating
premature graying of hair naturally
Though one cannot prevent the natural cycle of
whitening of hair, but you can always prevent your hair from premature
graying. You can always choose a healthy diet
Diet- Your diet plays very important role in retaining the natural
colour of your hair. Eat foods rich in iron, vitamin A, B, and minerals. Food
high in zinc, iron and copper help keep hair healthy. Hair shedding can be
caused by a deficiency in zinc. Low amounts of copper in the body can reduce
melanin. Sources of zinc are red meat, chicken and green vegetables. Beef,
eggs, red meat, wheat and sunflower seeds are good sources of iron. Cashews,
almonds, crabs, oysters and egg yolks are good sources of copper.
Eat dark green vegetables, yellow fruits, cauliflower, banana, tomato, cereals,
kidney, liver, yogurt, yeast, wheat germ ,etc.
Take iron rich foods like sunflower seeds, red meat, dried apricots, wheat,
parsley ,etc .
You must eat iodine rich foods like banana, carrots, fish etc.
Take foods rich in anti oxidants for destroying the free radicals which damage
the hair cells. Avoid oily, fried, fatty, and spicy foods .
Eat foods rich in para -aminobenzoic acid (PABA) like kidney, liver, yeast,
whole grains, etc.
Minimize the intake of tea, coffee ,and alcohol. Take vitamin B12, and
pantothenic acid( vitamin B5) supplements in your diet. Drink a lot of water.
Quit smoking
Following are some home remedies for treating premature
graying of hair naturally. Home remedies are very helpful in curing premature
graying of hair effectively.
1. Boil a few Amla (Indian gooseberry) pieces in coconut oil till they turn black. Apply this mixture on your
hair to cure premature graying of hair naturally at home.

2. Grate the ginger, and mix it with a spoon of honey to eat this mixture
everyday to treat premature graying of hair naturally.
3. Massage coconut oil, and lemon juice on your scalp to treat premature
graying of hair naturally. Follow this
home remedy for getting shiny ,and healthy hair naturally.
4. Massage cow's milk butter on your scalp to treat premature graying of hair
naturally at home .Follow this easy home remedy twice a week.
5. Boil curry leaves in coconut oil till the leaves become black. Apply on your
scalp, and hair roots as a hair tonic for hair loss and bringing back the hair
pigmentation .Curry leaves contain a natural pigment to retain the natural
color of your hair. Curry leaves can be used with buttermilk, or curd to
prevent your hair from becoming gray.
6. Apply the mixture of 2 spoons of henna powder, 1 spoon of yogurt, 1 spoon of
fenugreek paste, 3 spoons of coffee, 2 spoons of basil leaves paste, and 3 spoons of mint juice on your hair.
Shampoo after 3 hours .Use this home remedy regularly to treat premature
graying of hair naturally at home.
7. Put ribbed gourd (torai) in coconut oil for 3-4 hours, and boil this mixture
till it turns black. Massage your hair with this oil to cure premature graying
of hair.
8. Take 1 spoon of table salt in 1 cup of strong black tea without milk
.Massage your hair with this water. Wash off after 1 hour. Follow this home
remedy regularly to cure premature graying of hair.
9. The juice of onion is an extremely helpful home remedy in curing premature
graying of hair and giving reddish tinge to your hair .This
treatment is very helpful in curing baldness, and hair loss
naturally at home.
10. Always use a mild herbal
shampoo to wash your hair .
11. Apply 1 gm of black pepper, and 1/2 cup of curd for treating premature
graying of hair. You can add the juice of lemon in this preparation too.
12. Boil chamomile in water for 20 minutes to make a tea.Let this mixture cool
down, and strain it to use this water on your hair to treat premature graying
of hair naturally at home.
13. Apply amla paste or, amla oil on your hair to blacken and thicken your hair.
14. Wash your hair with lemon water to treat graying of hair .Lemon is a
natural coloring agent that gives brownish tinge to your hair if applied
15. Mix rosemary, and sage tea in equal amount in 1 cup of water. Steep, and
strain the liquid to use as a natural colorant for your hair. Follow this home
remedy to color your gray hair naturally at home.
16. Henna mixed in coconut oil is a nice home remedy for bringing back the dark
brown color in the hair.
17. Massage amla juice, almond oil, and lemon juice together for curing gray
hair. Amla is the best ingredient for the renewal of pigmentation in your hair.
Try this home remedy for beautiful, and shiny hair.
18. Soak up a few dried amla pieces for few hours .Use them with the tea
decoction, and 1 spoon of eucalyptus oil. Let this mixture stay in an iron
container overnight. Apply this mixture with curd, lemon juice, and an egg in
the morning. Follow this home remedy as a cure for premature graying of hair
once in 15 days.
19. Tea extract in concentration form gives dark brown, or black color.
20. Soak up 10-12 soap nut seeds, and 3 to 4 shikakai(acacia concinna) pods in
1 pint of water .Soak up 10-12 amla pieces separately in 2 cups of water. Boil
soap nut seeds with shikakai ,and strain this mixture to make a shampoo at
home. Strain the amla mixture separately to use as a conditioner .This home
remedy is a boon to your hair whether you suffer from graying of hair, thinning
of hair, dull hair, or hair fall .This treatment will cure all hair related
problems naturally .
21. Take amla juice orally daily to restore your natural pigment of your hair
.Amla juice will prevent premature
aging too.
22. Rubbing your fingernails together increases the blood circulation in your
scalp to cure gray hair and strengthen the roots to treat hair loss/baldness.
23. Guava's leaves are very effective in curing premature graying of hair.
24. Apply the fresh juice of amaranth to retain the natural pigment of your
hair and curing hair loss naturally at home. It is very helpful home remedy.
25. Apply almond oil, and lemon juice for 30-40 minutes as a home remedy to
cure premature graying of hair naturally at home.
26. Apply aloe vera gel for curing premature graying of hair naturally at home.
27. Apply rosemary oil to blacken your hair.
28. Boil 250
grams of mustard oil with 60 grams of henna
leaves , and apply this preparation on your hair to cure your gray hair
29. Apply ashwagandha (Indian ginseng) on our scalp to increase the melanin
content of your hair. Try this treatment for treating your gray hair.
30. Apply Ligustrum on the hair as a treatment for premature graying of hair
naturally at home. It is very popular chinese herb used for restoring the
natural color of your hair and curing gray hair naturally.
31. Take biotin to slow down the gray hair's progression naturally at home.Egg yolks, yeast soybeans, tomatoes, carrots,cow's
milk,goat's milk, oats, walnuts, cucumbers, almonds are some good sources of
32. Try bhringraj oil (Eclipta alba) for blackening your hair .You can take
bhringraj orally to get black ,thick, and shiny hair naturally at home .
33. Never use blow-dryer to dry your hair as it causes gray hair.
34. Try Motia rosha oil on your hair to cure premature graying, splits ends,
hair loss and giving luster to your dull hair.Motia rosha oil stimulates the
pigment cells of your hair and very helpful in treating gray hair, and
35. Soak up henna overnight, and in the morning, apply with walnut pulp for
treating premature graying of hair and giving beautiful tinge to your hair
naturally at home.
36. Take copper supplement colloidal copper orally to fight premature graying
of hair.
37. Apply sesame oil, or olive oil with bottle gourd juice to treat premature
graying of hair. This home remedy will give you shiny, black ,and thick hair
naturally .
38. Apply henna , the juice of 1/2 lemon, 1 spoon of coffee powder ,and an egg
for 45 minutes. This treatment will cure your gray hair naturally at home.
39. Wash your hair with omega-3 rich shampoo, and oils like Emu oil to cure
premature graying of hair .The oil containing omega -3 rejuvenates the pigment
generating cells called melanocytes.Mira oil can also be tried at home.
40. Apply eugenol oil (clove oil) for treating premature graying of hair
naturally .
41. You can try anti-graying tablets, and creams like Melancor, Reminex, Fo-Ti
Root, Shen Min ,and Restoria discreet.
42. Steep dried sage leaves in water for 2 hours , and use this preparation for
rinsing your hair .This treatment will blacken your gray hair naturally.
43. You should take foods rich in folic acid like dark green vegetables,leafy
vegetables,cereals, cowpeas, braised beef's liver,etc.
44. You can take buttermilk with 2 spoons each of yeast ,and wheat germ daily
to cure your gray hair.
45. Neem oil prevents graying of hair. Try this home remedy for curing all
scalp infections as well.
46. Pour the outer hulls of some black walnuts in water for making tea, and use
this preparation as a natural colorant for your gray hair. Black walnut is an
excellent natural hair colorant . The effect of this home remedy will last up
to 6 weeks in inspite of washing the hair regularly.
47. You can use black walnuts for coloring your gray hair .Boil a few black
walnuts in water for 15-20 minutes .Keep on your hair for 30 minutes to color
your gray hair naturally at home. Eat 5-6 walnuts daily as they are the rich
sources of copper, and zinc. Both are responsible for the formation of melanin.
48. Apply arnica oil on your hair to treat premature graying of hair. Arnica
oil is made from the dried arnica flowers.These flowers' anti-inflammatory
properties treat premature graying, hair loss / baldness at home naturally.
49. Apply brahmi hair oil for curing premature graying of hair ,dandruff, and
splits ends at home naturally.
50. Apply gooseberry with mango seeds on your hair to cure gray hair naturally
at home.
Important tips- Always stay away from using harmful chemicals on your
hair like hair color, hair styling gel , etc. Wash your hair 4 times a week to
maintain the hygiene of hair to have shiny hair.
Use fresh water(not hot) water for washing your hair. Never let the unnecessary
worries plague your head to avoid the premature graying of hair.
Take care of your hair after severe illness as the condition of your hair
worsens after severe illness. Exercise regularly to keep the blood well
circulated .Sleep well to avoid gray hair.